< ! - - joanachicau.com - - >

.this webpage lists artistic research projects that combine choreography with computation that data-driven algorithmic processes.

Algorithmic Artscape [coming soon] a Platform for Exploring Distributed Community Creativity, with Celeste Betancur;

Bloody Code [coming soon] a performance comissioned by Bloody Beautiful by Affect Lab;

Human-Computer Counter Choreographies [2023-] a performance that interweaves choreography with online tracking techniques;

A WebPage in Three Acts [2016-] a performance that combines browser-based tools with choreography;

Anatomies of Intelligence [2018-] a research on machine learning w/ the sound artist and art-technology researcher Jonathan Reus;

Circle & Half [2019-] a collaborative real-time audio-visual composition w/ the computer musician Renick Bell;

The Shape Of Things to Come [2019-2020] a collaboration with physical theatre platform Replica.Institute;

~ second order simulacra [2022] a video-clip and audio-visual collaboration with digital selves for her error topography EP released by the label Cherche Encore;

Web Choreographies [2018] a performance with Jip de Beer with 3D visualizations display of the live coded web environments;

Nieuw Ballet (CodeKlavier-Extensions) [2021] a collaboration with CodeKlavier, an open source project by Felipe Ignacio Noriega and Anne Veinberg;

Tango For us Two [2016-] a project developed during the summer sessions facilitated by V2_ in The Netherlands and Spacio Nixso in Argetina;

Ways of Moving: Butoh [2017-2018] an project developed as visiting researcher at Tama Univiersity Tokyo Japan;

Internet Moon Gallery [2018] an expanded research on scores & scripts of the web VR Internet Moon Gallery;

EWMN: Eshkol Wachman Movement Notation [2017] project part of an online residency at x.temporary;


// articles, interviews and media: < body > Building: the code performance of Joana Chicau by Daniel Temkin // Choreographies of the Circle & Other Geometries @Critical Code Recipes! // Dancing with the Screen @Aiga // The Book of X: 10 Years of Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X // Media Choreographies @HackersAndDesigners // Self-publishing < Choreo-Graphic-Hypothesis > @Monoskop FULL LIST OF PRESENTATIONS AND PLUBLICATIONS HERE.

// community links: #ChoreographicCodingLabs #LiveCodingNetworks #Stimuleringsfonds

// image credits: Fenna De Jong @ V2_ Lab for Unstable Media; Ana Caria and Leonor Fonseca @FBAUL; Het Nieuw Intitute; Lima Institute Amsterdam; John Rohrer, Weise7 @ Piksel Norway; Gneration Braga; Spektrum Berlin;

< ! - - joanachicau.com - - >